4 Types of Artificial Intelligence You Need to Know

4 Types of Artificial Intelligence You Need to Know

Artificial Intelligence is a technique that enables machines to mimic human behaviors, it’s a theory and development of computer systems to be able to perform tasks.

Furthermore, with research, it was deduced that artificial intelligence was broken into four main subsidiaries which are:

  1. Reactive machines AI (Artificial Intelligence)
  2. Limited memory machines AI
  3. Theory of mind AI
  4. Self-aware AI


Reactive machines are the simplest and oldest level of robots. They cannot create memories or use information learned to influence future decisions – they are only able to react to presently existing situations. This means such machines cannot use previously gained experiences to inform their present actions, i.e., these machines do not have the ability to “learn.” These machines could only be used for automatically responding to a limited set or combination of inputs. They cannot be used to rely on memory to improve their operations based on the same. Reactive machines aren’t able to learn or conceive of the past or future an example of this is Spam filters.


This Type II class contains machines that can look into the past. All present-day AI systems, such as those using deep learning, are trained by large volumes of training data that they store in their memory to form a reference model for solving future problems. For instance, an image recognition AI is trained using thousands of pictures and their labels to teach it to name objects it scans also Self-driving cars use limited memory AI because the algorithms that power these vehicles use data they were trained and programmed on to understand how to operate but can also interpret data it observes to read its environment and adjust when necessary.


When machines acquire decision-making capabilities equal to humans, we will have achieved theory of mind AI. This is the next frontier for AI. An important aspect of this AI is that machines would have the capability to understand and remember emotions and adjust behavior based on those emotions just as humans can in social interactions.

An example of this is Sophia the Robot which was developed in February 2016


This will be when machines are not only aware of the emotions and mental states of others, but also their own. When self-aware AI is achieved, we would have AI that has human-level consciousness and equals human intelligence with the same needs, desires, and emotions.

At the moment, this AI hasn’t been developed successfully yet because we don’t have the hardware or algorithms that will support it. When we do, will this artificial superintelligence (ASI) make it possible for machines to take over the world?

Artificial intelligence is impacting the future of every industry. Artificial intelligence has acted as the main driver of emerging technologies like big data, robotics, and IoT, and it will continue to act as a technological disruptor for the future.


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