What Is The Scope Of Artificial Intelligence In Our Daily Lives?

What Is The Scope Of Artificial Intelligence In Our Daily Lives?

Artificial intelligence has become an integral part of our daily lives as we progress towards a tech-driven future. Today we have all heard, at least once in our lives, about artificial intelligence. And although it seems like a term taken from a science fiction movie, the reality is that Artificial Intelligence is already part of our daily lives, you just are not aware of it.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an extremely powerful digital tool, which has been adopted by many organizations in almost all sectors, markets, and industries because this type of technology allows them to optimize work and profitability. You can see how AI is applied for a wide variety of purposes today, from medicine to the legal online casino’s US industry. It is really surprising how this technology operates around us in most areas.

Let’s see a little more in-depth what Artificial Intelligence is all about.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Roughly we could say that AI is the technology whose main objective is to try to imitate human reasoning and thought. These are systems created to store information, solve calculations and manage to process data to anticipate certain tasks. Artificial Intelligence allows machines to reason, plan, create and learn like human beings (or as close as possible). Through an algorithm, the AI ​​can perceive the environment and relate to it.

The machine receives information (provided by man), then it processes it and can respond to it. In this way, the AI ​​manages to adapt its behavior, analyzing the effects of previous situations, and therefore manages itself autonomously.

One of its greatest virtues is its speed of response, which makes it an extremely profitable tool for most businesses since it can learn from habits due to its intuitive nature, and it also allows for speeding up mechanical processes.

What is the AI ​​for? In which fields can it be applied?

As we have mentioned before, today this type of technology is more used than you think. Surely you will be surprised to find out the scope it has today. Although this type of technology is applied to a wide variety of fields, we could classify it into two large subgroups or areas: information processing and robotics.

When it comes to information processing (which actually involves the storage, processing, and analysis of information), there are many machines that have been developed to accomplish almost any task in the most cost-effective and efficient manner.

Thus, most platforms are capable of performing the following functions: Manage and control information; Analyze, plan and query data; Diagnose, configure and distribute components and hardware in computer systems; Interpret data; Make conclusions; Anticipate tasks and situations; Monitor tasks.

In relation to robotics, it refers to a more dynamic facet, since we are talking about robots that are used to perform various tasks. Nowadays, this type of technology is more than anything used for assembly lines or in tasks related to the manufacture of objects; mostly covering monotonous and repetitive tasks.

 Some Examples of AI Applied to Everyday Life

AI applied in customer service

Today, most of the live chats that offer customer service in different areas work through AI. Chatbots are those that assist people by answering basic help or technical support questions.

For example, most legal online casinos and US operators are managed by a chatbot that offers fast and practical solutions 24 hours a day. This type of technology can help customers by handling simple requests such as opening an account, closing an account, and the like.

 AI applied to voice assistants/home automation

We are not only referring to cell phones and other electronic devices, but also to smart homes that use Google Home or Amazon Echo technology. Through these assistants, which use NLP (natural language processing) technology, which allows them to interpret voice commands and respond to them, families have the possibility of carrying out most household tasks through a simple command by voice.

 AI applied to maps and navigation directions

AI is fundamental to the existence of the navigation systems we use today, such as Google Maps.

Artificial Intelligence applied to these programs is what makes it possible to provide information on the state of traffic in real-time and up to date. It also allows recommending to the user the best route to access the desired site, considering all the necessary factors.

by Analytics Insight April 5, 2022


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