Smart Home Technology: An Introduction

Smart Home Technology: An Introduction

A smart home simply means a home with facilities that are automated. Smart home technology builds on IOT (internet of things) that allows devices or appliances have assigned IP addresses that allow them to be controlled, accessed, and monitored remotely. They can also communicate to each other based on the configurations from the user. This is to achieve certain results making it possible for independent devices to be connected over the internet.


It is convenient and can be accessed from a remote location. It provides greater security whether in accessing surveillance footage on your device or locking and unlocking your access points remotely. Smart Home Technology also helps in energy conservation as appliances can be controlled remotely which means you could switch them on and off from any location thereby saving energy. Also, lights can be set to go off when no one is in the room. This is called AUTOMATION.

The future holds a lot for smart home automation. Technologies like wearables, biometrics, etc. can play a vital role in the future of smart homes. From coffee machines that memorizes your favorite beverages to other technologies like smart toilets that perform a urine analysis after people do their business. It can also go as far as providing information about certain diseases like diabetes, and colon cancer as you stool.

Smart home automation is all you can think of these days, even the normal technology like light bulbs, smoke detectors are connected to our phones. Yes, this technology can make life easier but it also comes with certain drawbacks such as high cost and its prone to hacking.


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